Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 68: 3 Years, 6 Months

Maya is officially three and a half today. We watched some videos today of when she was just a couple months old. The months and years are flying by way too fast. Maya loved seeing herself as a baby. I'm happy to report that a lot of good things happened this past month. It seems like we are all adjusting to being a family of four and things get better everyday.

Maya is still taking swim lessons and gymnastics for now, but only has two weeks left. Unfortunately we are going to have to stop them until the big move. Hopefully we can find some activities to get her involved in then that she enjoys just as much. She also started playing soccer this month. She gets to learn soccer basics through a program at her daycare.

In regards to daycare, Maya is doing great. She hasn't had a bad day since she moved to the preschool room in early August. Her teachers always have wonderful things to say about her and she seems to follow directions well. She is even learning signs for the letters of the alphabet.

Following directions at home is another story. She really thinks she is the boss and can just do whatever she wants. She refuses to clean up her toys unless someone will help. She throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way. She demands her needs to be met immediately and if they aren't the whining and screaming are unbearable.

Bedtime is still a nightmare. The normal routine is bath (most nights), brush teeth, pick books, swing, read books, then she is supposed to go to sleep. The swing is her favorite part. It's where she gets to hang on to Daddy's pull-up bar. The routine goes smoothly, until mommy or daddy have to say goodnight. Then it is numerous requests to come back up and lay with her. She also usually pees in her pull-up during this time, even though she just went to the bathroom before bed. She went a whole week without watching TV because that is the new consequence for not going to bed like a big girl. We have had a few good nights, but as soon as she messes up no more TV until she gets 2 consecutive good nights.
Maya loves having baby items around the house. She thinks all Mitchell's toys, clothes, and blankets are hers for the taking. She uses it all to play with her babies. It sometimes drives me nuts, but it really is cute.
Most parents probably believe this about their children, but Maya really is the best big sister. She is so attentive and concerned about Mitchell. She loves to pick out his outfits and makes sure he is always covered up. She doesn't even get annoyed when he cries. She just seems to accept it as a new way of life. She handles his crying better than I do.
Maya's memory absolutely amazes me. She remembers things from six months ago. We were driving home one day and had this conversation:
Maya: "Mommy, what is my soccer teacher's name?"
Me: "I don't know, is it Charlie?"
Maya: "Noooooo! Charlie is a bus, we rode it at the hotel!"
She was referring to the "trolley" we rode in Gatlinberg six months ago. I was impressed that she remembered that and made the connection.
Maya is very excited about our move to Cincinnati. She told her teacher that her favorite place is Cincinnati. Every time we visit she thinks we are going to our new house.
Three is very challenging, but so much fun.

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