Another month, another milestone. Mitchell is two months today. No official weight and height measurements yet because his two month Dr. appointment isn't until Friday.
Like I suspected last month, quite a bit has happened in Mitchell's second month of life. His first real smile was on September 15, but they have only gotten better since then. When he smiles, he smiles with his whole face and his eyes light up. It is so cute that it melts my heart every time. It never gets old. He hasn't started a full on laugh or giggle yet, but he does have a noise that accompanies his smiles when he is really happy. It's kind of like a throat clearing cough sound, but I know he isn't coughing because it is consistent with his huge smiles and good moods. I can also tell he is getting really close to "cooing." He sort of "talks" when he is happy, but it is short lived.
Mitchell is finally starting to settle into some kind of a routine. At the beginning of the month he was eating, on average, 10x a day. He was eating at least every two hours during the day and every three hours at night. It was making me lose my mind. Once I figured out that the Enfamil formula I was supplementing with was causing him tummy troubles, it got a lot better. He was crying so much because his belly hurt, but babies think they are hungry when they have a belly ache. I wish I figured it out sooner, it would have been better for both of us. Now he is on Enfamil Gentlease and breastmilk. He is able to spread his feedings out to three hours and eats 5-6x per day and 1-2x at night.
Sleeping is still a challenge. Naps go pretty smoothly. He is on a eat-play-sleep routine. After he eats I keep him up as long as I can. He lets me know when he needs sleep and he will go right to sleep. When he wakes up the cycle repeats. He goes to sleep at bedtime just as easily, it's the staying asleep that is the problem. He typically goes to bed between 8 and 9. He will sleep until anywhere between 11 and 2. He usually gets up for a second time between 4-5, and he gets up for the day between 7-8. Lately we have been putting him back to bed in his swing after the night feedings. I don't like to do it, but I am just so tired that I do whatever I can to get some extra sleep.
Mitchell is staying awake a lot more during the day. He enjoys tummy time and hanging out in the swing. He only likes the bouncy seat in the bathroom with the fan going and shower running. He has yet to show any interest in rolling over.
This picture is what Mitchell wore to bed tonight. It is the same outfit Maya wore in her three month picture. This is one of only a few things that could be passed down from big sister. Maya was excited to see him in it.
The past few weeks have been extremely hard, but things are getting better. For the first time since Mitchell has been born I can honestly say I will miss this time someday...
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