Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 67: 2 Month Shots

Poor boy had to get vaccinated today, or as Arthur likes to call him "Pin Cushion." He did surprisingly well. He cried when he got the two sticks, but calmed down when he had to take the oral vaccine. It must have been pretty yummy because he swallowed it like a champ and didn't cry again. Mitchell weighs 12 lbs 10 oz and he is 23 1/4 inches long. His measurements put him in the 60-75th percentile. Everything looked great at his check-up. After the appointment he slept most of the day away. Shots are exhausting!
Amy and Emily visited for a while when they dropped Addison off for a sleepover. Emily has been dying to hold Mitchell for a while. She came at the perfect time to feed him and she was a natural.

The girls are upstairs watching a movie right now. Hopefully they will be asleep by midnight. Addison has spent the night before when we were babysitting her, but this is Maya's first true slumber party.

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