Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Mitchell gets really excited about the camera.  It's hard to get many close ups of him because he tries to come over and look at the picture on the camera before I even snap it. This is him just after seeing a picture, still pointing to it.

Maya was allowed to have Motrin today, which made a world of difference. Once that kicked in this morning, she was downstairs playing, and acting like herself.  Mitchell discovered a creative way to get next to his sister.

Recently, I've had to tell Maya to stop putting Mitchell in her dresses due to the tantrum I have to deal with when I take them off of him (something I could do an entire blog post on).  Anyway, I didn't say anything about her socks...

Here is Little Miss Sunshine in outfit #3 today.  Definitely feeling more like herself.
 I made a racecar road out of ribbon on our tile floor for the kids to drive their cars on. 

 And dinner tonight:  Buffalo Chicken Pizza.  It was yummy!

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