Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 302: Losing My Mind

Mitchell has cried almost the entire day. He is getting his two bottom teeth at the same time. He has been so grumpy that he won't even take his bottles. I hope they break through soon so he can start feeling better. He is pretty pathetic.

On the other hand, our other monster has been non-stop whining as well. "I'm hungry." "I'm still hungry." "What can I have?" "What can I do?" "I'm still hungry!"
On the bright side - Mitchell is officially waving and maybe saying "hi."

Maya had these funny quotes today:

Maya: "Does the Lion King have roller coasters?"
Me: "What are you talking about Maya, Lion King is a movie."
Maya: "Noooooo, the Lion King, does it have roller coasters?"
Me: "Ohhhh, you mean King's Island?"
Maya: "Yes, does King's Island have roller coasters?"

Also, during one of Mitchell's screaming fits, she had these words of wisdom: "what is Mitchell's deal? My belly hurts but I'm not crying. I'm just dealing." After she complained, rather than "dealed," about her belly hurting all weekend!

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