Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 201: Will We Ever Be Healthy?

Mitchell is now sick again with what appears to be a stomach bug. He threw up all over Arthur after his 7:30 am bottle. He seemed fine for a while but took a two and a half hour nap and then spewed his next bottle all over me. No fever, just tired and loss of appetite. He has had only pedialyte since noon. I sure do hope this doesn't mess with the 12 hours of night time sleep we have been getting out of him. He has been sleeping 7 pm - 7 am. He wakes up a few times for the paci, but that's no big deal. Maya and I ran some errands today. She asks such random questions. Here is a conversation we had while we were out:
Maya: "Mommy, when are you going to get married again?"
Me: "You're only supposed to get married once."
Maya: "But mommy, you have to get married again."
Me: "Who do you want me to marry?"
Maya: "You need to marry daddy again. You already have a dress and he already has marry clothes. So when are you going to get married again?"
Me: "I don't think we are going to get married again."
Maya: "You have to get married again. If you don't get married again you will never go to Peyton's house again. So you have to get married again."
***Looking at a restaurant logo with a rose next to it***
"See mommy, look right there at the rose - that's where you need to get married again."

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