Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 198: Alternative Medicine

Tonight's post is an update on my health. I have been on steroids since early January. I now hate looking at myself in the mirror, can't stand pictures of myself, have muscle and joint pain, and crazy swelling. I gained five pounds in a week when I first started prednisone. I lost four of it, but still have a more intense appetite. The steroids are supposed to be a bridge to get me healthy until I started taking the other medication the GI wants to put me on. The drug that increases my chances of getting cancer. Well, here is what prednisone has done to my face... My eyes are completely asymmetrical and weird looking. They look even worse when I smile.
Complete moon face - I can even feel the swelling in my face when I eat and smile.

And this one's my favorite - double chin / fat neck!
So my GI doctor's office staff ticked me off one last time a couple weeks ago that I decided I was never going back. I made an appointment with a doctor in alternative medicine which I had today. It was a great appointment and he gave me a lot of hope. I will admit that I am skeptical - but willing to give anything a try to get off steroids and avoid cancer-inducing drugs. He told me to follow his diet for 15 days and take a probiotic and herbal supplement and I will be "cured." It's not as simple as just being for 15 days - it will be a lifestyle change, but the first 15 days will be the hardest and most strict. It will be hard to cut out cheese, diet coke, coffee, and red wine - but like I said, I'm willing to try anything at this point. I start tomorrow. Can't wait to find out if it works. If it does I will be a total believer in holistic medicine!

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