Bedtime did not run smoothly tonight. We had some pretty bad tantrums today from the three year old. And the newborn who I thought might actually be settling in to an 8:00 bedtime did not fall asleep until 9:30. It will be interesting to see how long he even stays asleep since he appears to be going through a massive growth spurt and he fought the swaddle so hard I had to take his arms out to get him to sleep. Back to the three year old - she is going through a phase where we can't just tuck her in and leave. She requests the other parent come up for another kiss and hug, sometimes multiple times. She also asks that we lay with her "just one time." This means just for a minute and she is satisfied. I have to admit that when I kissed her goodnight tonight I told her not to ask me to come back up. I regret saying this. I mean how difficult is it really to walk back upstairs and give my daughter another hug and kiss and maybe lay with her for a minute. Someday when she is older and I miss her being young I'm not going to think "man, I'm so glad I didn't have to walk back upstairs hundreds of extra times." No, I will be thinking "man, I wish I could give that three year old little girl hundreds and hundreds more hugs and kisses!" I need to remind myself of this when I feel like I am about to lose it.
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