Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 43: Holy Pepperoncini!

We are enjoying a fun visit from Aunt Lolo and Peyton today. We ordered pizza for dinner. Arthur is allergic to pepperoncinis, so I always get the 2-4 peppers that come with the pizza. Well, Lolo loves them as much as I do so we had to order extra tonight. I thought I ordered 4 peppers total and we ended up with this plateful! Best Papa Johns experience ever!!!
We spent the after noon at the zoo. It was a really pretty day and the girls had a good time. There were stressful moments, like Maya crying because she couldn't push the pink stroller or had to walk up a hill. But in all it was a good time.

Proud Parent Facts: Maya's preschool teacher told me today that she was the first kid in her class to know how to spell her name correctly! Also, Mitchell showed signs of being ready for bed at 8:00 last night so I decided to go with it again tonight. I had him changed, fed, and in bed within 15 minutes. I even put him down slightly awake and he did the rest. Now at 9:00 he is still asleep. Please let this be my new reality!!!

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