Today sure was interesting. We started out with Mitchell's 18 month appointment. He weighs 28 pounds and is 34 inches long. Dr. said he is perfect, except for his current ear infection. He may need tubes again since they have both fallen out. This brings me to his favorite part of the day...
Mitchell: Kissing Mommy at the Dr.'s office. We are talking hands on my face, pulling me in, and planting a big wet one right on my mouth. He rarely does this, so I consider myself really special!
And that brings me to my favorite part of the day...
Kim: Getting both of these bags of chocolate for $2.24 when I went to pick up Mitchell's prescription. I know they did not ring up right in the register. They should have been $7. But I asked the lady and she insisted it was right. So I took my chocolate and ran!
Moving on to more interesting things. I got a call from school because they thought Maya might have strep throat. So, I took her to the same Dr. this afternoon that Mitchell saw this morning. No strep, but she does need her tonsils out. I'm sure that will be an ordeal. We had some time to kill after her appointment and before gymnastics, so what better to do then go get ice cream!
Maya: Getting ice cream with Mommy!
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