Sunday, August 7, 2011

Riding The Train

Thank you to all my loyal followers who looked at my blog and took an interest in the Bradleys over the past year. I finally decided what I'm going to do with my blog. I am going to do a "6 on 6" and "9 on 9" every month for the monthly milestone page. I am also going to post as often as I take good pictures. Sometimes there is really nothing to take a picture of and those are nights I won't post. I will post as much as I can. I'm not going to number the days anymore either since I made it to my 365. I will just title the post whatever exciting thing the pictures resemble.

Here is Mitchell having a blast on his new train he got for his birthday. He got on it and immediately started pushing the power button to go. The challenge is keeping Maya off of it! Mitchell even pushes it around the house with Maya sitting on it and steering.

Beautiful picture Maya drew with Mitchell's new crayons.

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