Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 321: Bugs In The House

Maya is sick. In bed last night I could tell she was burning up. She slept with me because with only one week left in this house there is really no point in fighting to make her sleep in her own bed. Arthur fell asleep on the couch and was still there around 2 am when Maya woke up freaking out...

Maya (panicking): "Mommy, there's bugs in the house (pointing to the dark ceiling)! Look, the colored bugs, they're in the house."
Me: "Maya, there aren't any bugs, you see the fan. I will turn the fan off."
Maya: "I see the bugs. They're in the house!"
***at this point I'm running downstairs to get Arthur and the thermometer. Maya continues to scream in bed about the "bugs." ***
Maya: "Daddy, there's bugs in the house."
*we managed to calm her down enough to get her to lay down and we turned the lights out to go back to sleep. Before I know she is sitting up and refusing to lay down on her pillow.*
Me: "Maya, honey, lay down and go to sleep."
Maya: "No, there's bugs on my pillow. They're going to rip it up!"
*I don't know how we got her to go to sleep. Eventually she gave up and passed out. She was seriously freaked out by the "bugs."

Anyway, she had a fever when she woke up and has complained about her throat hurting. It is probably strep throat. This will probably add a visit to the doctor on Monday to my ever-growing to do list for next week.

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