Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 216: Seven Months

Mitchell at seven months...You are so amazed by everything Maya does. You stop drinking your bottle when you hear her voice. You watch everything she does and just smile and laugh at her. It is really sweet to watch.
You love toys that light up and smaller toys you can get in your mouth. You are so much more tolerant of tummy time now that you have started realizing that's how you're going to get moving independently.
You want to crawl so bad. You push up on all fours, but you slide backwards instead of forward. Practice, practice, practice, and you will figure it out.
You are trying more and more table food. You had your first rice cracker today and you loved it. It's the first thing you really fed yourself. You cried for more cracker when I tried to feed you pureed peas.
Every single one of these pictures were taken today. You seriously go through 3-5 outfits a day. Between diaper blow-outs and spitting up we can't keep outfits clean.
Your sleeping seems to have improved, but we had a setback last night. After sleeping 10 straight hours Thursday night, and 8 hours Friday night, you were up at 2am last night and wouldn't go back to bad until after 4 am when Daddy finally fed you. Hopefully that was just a fluke and we can get back to 10 hours.
You are starting to babble much more. It sounds like you are saying "dadadada" and "blah blah blah."

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