Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 238: 5K Bound

I may regret holding myself accountable on my blog, but I need something to kick me into shape. I finally got back on the treadmill today and I am determined to finally run a 5K. Today was rough and it is pretty embarrassing how out of shape I have become. I can't wait to see myself get stronger. I promise I'm not drunk in the the picture - it's pretty hard to keep my eyes open with the flash less than a foot away! That's what happens when I have to take all my own pictures.Maya wanted to get in on the action too. I'm sure her first 5K isn't too far off.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 232: Mitchell Kisses & Maya Reads

These pictures are my attempt at recreating an adorable milestone. Mitchell was giving me kisses tonight. I said "give mommy kiss," and he leaned forward and really kissed me. One time he even reached out for my face and "pulled" me in. So sweet! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reenact for the camera.

Maya is learning to read sight words...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 231: Mitchell Drinks From A Straw

Mitchell was eating dinner and I put some of his bottle in a sippy cup. He wasn't that interested and seemed to be getting frustrated that he couldn't get his drink fast enough. So I started giving him the bottle and put his sippy cup to the side. Well, as soon as he saw the sippy cup sitting there he grabbed it and brought it to his mouth to drink. He drank almost an entire 6 oz bottle through a straw. This is pretty exciting since Maya was 12 months before she would use a sippy cup!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 229: Time To Work Your Magic, St. Joseph

Maya had her last day of swim lessons today. We are going to take a break from classes until we move back to Cincinnati.
We got around to burying St. Joseph tonight. Hopefully he will come through for us.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 226: Reinforcements

We had to call in some extra help Monday night because Mitchell was still sick. We appreciate the help from Mama and Yeye so much! Mitchell still isn't totally back to himself, evidenced by the annoying 3 am feedings!

Friday, March 11, 2011