Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 177: Last Night

Well, I had an accident last night. The picture depicts the scene of the accident. I was home alone last night, it was 10 pm, and I was about to walk upstairs to feed Mitchell his final bottle. As I turned the corner from the living room, my foot got stuck on the other side of the highchair causing me to lose my balance. My entire right side body slammed into the yellow wall and then I bounced off and landed on my butt. My upper right arm took the brunt of the impact. I couldn't move my arm and I didn't know what to do. I called Arthur who told me to put an icepack on it. There wasn't much he could do from Cincinnati. It hurt so bad at that point I couldn't move it and definitely couldn't pick up Mitchell. I called Amy who brought over an icepack to help. My arm felt better within an hour, but it was a scary moment.

And tonight, my family is back home where they belong!

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