Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 182: When Will It End?

Maya's fever was at 102 at 8:00 this morning. I gave her medicine and she slept in until 10:30. She woke up a sweaty mess, so I thought her fever broke. It started creeping back up at 4, so I gave her more meds. The Dr. says she may have a virus with the strep. We may be home again tomorrow. Mitchell doesn't really have a fever, but has still cried almost the entire day.
Sleep has been hard to come by.
One of Mitchell's few happy moments today. This is when I thought Maya was in the clear!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 181: Skittles

Both kids still have fevers which means they will both be staying home again tomorrow. It's my turn for sick duty. Maya needed a little something to cheer her up. Skittles helped until the Motrin kicked in.
We had an Open House today. Apparently we had two sets of visitors. One was just a neighbor. The other liked the house but said the garage wasn't deep enough. After the Open House a realtor was supposed to bring a client through the house. We should find out early this week if they came through and what they thought of the house.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 179: Double Dose

  • of fevers
  • of Dr's appointments
  • of antibiotics
  • of sick kids That's right, both kids have strep throat!
    At least it's the weekend so we don't have to miss anymore work this time around!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 178: "Look Sick"

I had the camera out and told Maya to "look sick." This is her interpretation...Maya brought home something "extra special" from Cincinnati this week. I had a feeling when she was super whiny last night and didn't sleep well that there was a problem. She woke up with a fever this morning and had to stay home from daycare. Daddy was able to stay home with her today. Her fever is starting to come back after almost 7 hours of no meds. We are thinking it is a virus, but it's looking like it will keep her home tomorrow too.

Here's to hoping this one doesn't catch it!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 177: Last Night

Well, I had an accident last night. The picture depicts the scene of the accident. I was home alone last night, it was 10 pm, and I was about to walk upstairs to feed Mitchell his final bottle. As I turned the corner from the living room, my foot got stuck on the other side of the highchair causing me to lose my balance. My entire right side body slammed into the yellow wall and then I bounced off and landed on my butt. My upper right arm took the brunt of the impact. I couldn't move my arm and I didn't know what to do. I called Arthur who told me to put an icepack on it. There wasn't much he could do from Cincinnati. It hurt so bad at that point I couldn't move it and definitely couldn't pick up Mitchell. I called Amy who brought over an icepack to help. My arm felt better within an hour, but it was a scary moment.

And tonight, my family is back home where they belong!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 176: Sleep Update

I know Mitchell sleeping in the crib is a picture that has been seen before, but it is appropriate tonight and his sleep is always evolving. For the past two weeks, Mitchell had a major sleep regression. After going a month without needing a middle of the night feeding, he was back to needing one, maybe two per night. It started because he got sick again. He had an ear infection, didn't feel good, so ate less during the day. This meant he needed to catch up on calories in the middle of the night. Well, even though he was on antibiotic and definitely not sick, he decided he still needed to eat in the middle of the night. Over the weekend, he barely ate during the day and slept horribly. There was nothing wrong with him, unless you consider "lazy" something wrong! What was the problem? He needed a bigger size nipple on his bottle so he didn't have to work for his milk to come out. We started giving him level 3 nipples with every bottle on Sunday and he has slept through the night the past two nights. He still wakes up a handful of times, but the paci satisfies him and it is a quick fix. I put him in bed tonight around 7 and he was wide awake. He was asleep within 10 minutes. If he doesn't wake up on his own by 10, I will wake him up and give him another bottle to make it through the night. This routine has worked like a charm the past two nights. So we will continue to do this until the next change, which I'm sure won't be long.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 173: "I Smell Chicken..."

is what Maya said as we were walking in to Applebees tonight. The girl rarely eats chicken, yet she can smell it! Pretty darn funny. On a side note, our service was not funny. We visited our neighborhood Applebees for the final time tonight.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 167: Puffs

Mitchell tried puffs for the first time tonight. He made some funny faces, but figured it out right away without choking!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 166: Noodle Soup and Jello

The most exciting part of my day was waking up from a nap to find that Arthur had cleaned the kitchen and living room. That totally helped with the anxiety levels! The second most excting part was Maya trying new foods: noodle soup and jello!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 165: Good News And Bad News

Good News: Our TV is working again. It's just too bad the repairman couldn't figure out what the problem was in order to prevent it from happening again. Apparently he just took apart the back of the TV, put it back together, and then it turned on. Hopefully it won't die again.

Bad News: Just as I suspected, another ear infection for Mitchell. I knew after Monday's dud of an appointment it would only take until the end of the week to need another appointment to get the diagnosis. So after Arthur missing a whole day of work, another $20 co-pay, and a 10 day round of antibiotics, maybe we'll be healthy for two weeks!