Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 126: Four Months

Here is what you're up to at 4 months:

  • You still spit up a ton.
  • You still soothe yourself to sleep at bedtime.
  • You still love bath time.
  • You finally started sleeping through the night this past weekend. We gave you rice cereal for the first time Friday night. We put some in your bedtime bottle and you slept 9 hours in your crib for the first time ever. You slept 8pm-5am, only crying once around midnight for your paci. Saturday night was even better, 9-7:30, only crying for your paci at 1:30. Sunday night was not quite so perfect, though. You woke up several times so I put you in your swing around midnight. I still consider it somewhat of a success because we didn't have to feed you over night.
  • You have started watching me. You follow me around the room with your eyes. It is so cute.
  • You have started showing interest in toys and playing with the toys on your exer-saucer.
  • You love sucking on your hands and you seem to be trying to figure out how to get your feet into your mouth.
  • You are getting better at holding your neck up and you are so strong. When we pull your arms to sitting, you hold your head in line with your body all by yourself.
  • Daycare tells me you are advanced. They are impressed by your neck control and strength. They also love how you are so little yet have so much personality.
  • You rolled over from your belly to back the day after Thanksgiving. You are also very close to going from your back to belly. You get on your side but can't seem to finish.
  • You are so awesome, Mitchell. Adored by Mommy, Daddy, and Big Sister. Just stop growing up too fast. I look forward to these milestones, but they keep coming way too fast.

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