Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 120: Too Young For Cry It Out?

I'm not saying I'm ready to just let him scream his head off, but it has seriously gotten to the point where we need to start trying new things. Mitchell is going to be 4 months in a week, and he still gets up twice a night, once if we put him in his swing. I read that babies don't NEED to eat during the night once they reach 11 pounds. Well, we have been there for about two and half months, apparently Mitchell didn't read the same book. I think the longest he has ever slept in his crib without waking is five hours. He has slept longer in his swing, but I don't really count that because he can't sleep there forever. In fact, he has occasionally slept through the night in his swing.
Anyway, I want to try implementing a schedule to see if that helps anything. I told daycare on Monday that I wanted them to try to get him to wait four hours between feedings. They were able to do it with no problem. He tends to be a predictable baby for the most part. I never really tried a schedule with him because it never worked with Maya. When Maya was a baby I found myself spending way too much time and stressing over being on schedule that we were both happier when I just followed her cues. But this time around may be different. Mitchell is a different child and may thrive on a schedule. We will see how the next couple weeks go with my attempt to get him on routine.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 116: The Day Mitchell Rolled Over

Mitchell figured out how to flip from his belly to his back today. It was very exciting, especially since Maya didn't roll over until she was almost 5 months.
Maya was up very late last night and played hard with Peyton all day. She crashed around 6 pm.
Papa watched Maya and Mitchell so we could get some Black Friday deals, even if it was in the evening.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 115: Happy Thanksgiving

Uncle Jim: "They can't fire him. No good coach is going to come to Cincinnati."
Lolo: "If they want to win the Superbowl they will!!!"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 113: Pajama Party

We are having a sleepover with Sam and Cohen!!!
Mitchell's first experience with antibiotics.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 112: First Ear Infection

You wouldn't be able to tell this baby was sick unless you knew him. He still seems like a pretty happy baby, just fussier than usual. He hasn't napped well and on the way home last night he was really fussy and kept hitting his left ear. I suspected an ear infection then, but he actually slept really well last last night. He slept in his crib from 8pm-3am only waking once at 10:30 for his paci. That made me think maybe he didn't really have an ear infection. I told daycare today to call me if he acted weird. They did because he was kind of fussy and acted like he was in pain when sucking his paci. I got an appointment for him and sure enough it's an ear infection in his left ear.
I found out he is 15 lbs and 25.5 inches. Such a big boy! Look at him trying to sit up by himself in the bathtub. He does the same thing in his carseat.
I just hope and pray he sleeps tonight like he did last night!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 110: Up For A Shower Party???

We went house hunting today and found a house with this unbelievable bathroom. Seriously, this bathroom belongs in a pool house or a locker room. Strange to come across this bathroom in a home owned by a couple retiring to Florida. It comes equipped with a fireplace, double shower heads, and an extra shower head from the ceiling. We really liked this house and it is still in the running.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 108: Candy Freak

Maya: "We need to take my candy to Cincinnati tomorrow."
Me: "No, we're not taking candy."
Maya (in a panicked voice): "But will there be candy there?"

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 107: New Toy

Mitchell enjoyed sucking on the frozen teething toy. It was a new sensation for him and I think he liked the cold. It was fun to watch him to discover something new.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 105: Hello Kitty

When Maya got dressed this morning, I asked her if she wanted to her a new shirt today. She didn't know I had this shirt for her. She was so excited when she saw it. She showed everyone on the way in to daycare. When we left in the afternoon she even made me unbutton her coat so she could show the woman at the front desk. Luckily, everyone made a big deal for her and had the reaction she hoped for.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 102: 423 Months

Arthur wanted Maya to be in his 423 month portrait. The camera caught Maya right before kicking daddy. She got in trouble right after this picture was taken. Hopefully we can come up with some more creative for Arthur's special day next month. Here is Mitchell's new bedtime set-up. Belly sleep was a disaster. Since he eats right before bed, he kept spitting up while laying on his belly. He never got comfortable and we flipped him almost immediately and haven't tried it since. I put him in bed like this around 5:40 and he slept until about 8:15. He got up to eat and then I put him back down and he went right back to sleep. We'll see how the rest of the night goes.