Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 10: Birthday Boy

Happy 35th Birthday Arthur and Daddy. Maya was very excited about it being Daddy's birthday, but is very sad that there is no cake or presents for Daddy's birthday. She could have cared less that I didn't get cake and presents to open for my birthday last week. We will be celebrating with ice cream a little bit later...

Mitchell had his one week check up today. He weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz, so he has almost made it back to his birthweight. He is 21.5 inches long - meaning he has grown an inch and a half in 6 days or his bith measurement was wrong. I don't think he grew that much and I always thought he was longer than 19 inches at birth, even the hospital nurses commented on it. The Dr. said everything looks great and has no worries.

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