Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 29: "Apple Jacks And Cheese Cake"

Of all the things Maya refuses to eat, she happily eats Apple Jacks and shredded cheese in the same bite. At least she is getting some fiber and protein!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 28: Pink Eye

It's just one thing after another. I have yet to mention my weekend bout of mastitis and now Maya has pink eye. Trying to give eye drops to a three year old is pretty tricky! Three times a day for the next 5-7 days - fun stuff! The good news is that it doesn't seem to be bothering her too much, so the whining is just her normal whine - which is bad enough but I certainly don't need the sick whine. She is also using all the usual "sick excuses." "Can I sleep in your bed because I'm sick?" "I'm not going to daycare because I'm sick." But when it comes to something she wants she is suddenly not sick: "I'm feeling better, I want to touch Mitchell." She is already a master manipulator, guess I should give her credit for that.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 26: What Happened To Our Mailbox?

Here is what we woke up to this morning: Not sure when this happened, but whoever did it surely has some serious car damage and bad karma to live with!
We also had a special visit from Mama and Ye-Ye today. Unfortumately Maya has been very grumpy about getting her picture taken lately. She gets really mad at me when I take more than one picture. This picture is decent...
But this is more typical...

This post could not be complete without a picture of Mama - who Maya just started calling Winnie! Sorry Winnie, Everett gave me permission to post your picture!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 22: Swim Lessons

Maya is doing so well at swim lessons. We were really nervous she wouldn't cooperate with the teacher because she has a slight fear of water. She has made us so proud. She does everything the teacher asks of her with a smile on her face!

As for Mitchell, we had another rough night last night. I was so excited because he slept in his crib from 10 pm - 2 am. I woke up refreshed and ready for a feeding, only to be kept awake until 5:30 am when I finally just gave in and let him sleep on the couch with me. Here is what he has done all day, which means tonight will probably not be good...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 21: Time To Start Liking The Crib

We really need to figure out where this kid is going to sleep. Staying up until 3 am only to finally fall asleep in my arms is not going to work. He will sleep for five hours straight if I am holding him, but that is not a habit I want to start. He sleeps great during the day and takes wonderful naps, but at night he does everything he can to fight the sleep. Maybe I will just have to switch my schedule to night shift until he adjusts.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 20: M5 Lock Nut

Yay! We got the swing put together! After losing a nut that holds the swing together and a very stressful trip to Home Depot to find a replacement, we finally have our swing!

We had a nice visit from Mimi this weekend. She made us delicious chicken salad and a cheeseball that we will be able to enjoy for days. Maya was in heaven having Mimi here.

Maya actually had a pretty good Sunday. I definitely don't want to jinx anything, but I'm hoping we are turning a corner. I can't even count the number of times she told me she loves me today and I even got a hug and a kiss goodnight. This is much better than a few nights ago when she refused and said she didn't like me.

Mitchell is still having trouble falling back to sleep after night time feedings. He would sleep anywhere if I was patient enough to wait the hour it takes him to fall back to sleep. The problem is that I am so tired I almost always fall asleep holding him.

All in all I don't have anything to complain about. Two healthy children, a nice home, wonderful husband, and supportive family - what more could I ask for?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 19: Mitchell And The Girls

Maya: "It's for you, mommy."
Me: "Who is it?"
Maya: "It's Cinderella. She said the Beast is coming and he is going to say rarrr."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 13: Firsts

First family outing...We ventured out to Target today with both kids. This was our first trip in public with two kids. We probably should have waited until Maya was feeling completely better because she was super whiny. Whiny enough to almost make me want to go back to work tomorrow! Target was a necessity because we needed new nipples for Mitchell's bottles and I wanted to get him a new bathtub. Most of the trip went really well. Mitchell was asleep when we left the house and didn't wake up until we got home. Maya was good until the very end - we had a major meltdown. All because she didn't get to give the cashier the gift card. Ughhh...Oh well, at least Mitchell doesn't mind his car seat and car rides.
Mitchell's first bottle...

Mitchell's first bath...

Coming later tonight - Mitchell's first night in mommy and daddy's room. We are moving from the living room up to the bedroom. I hope it goes well!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 12: Official

It's official that Maya has strep throat. Hopefully the antibiotics will kick in tomorrow. Presents from Aunt Emiley helped make her day a little better. I am also official! I got my Kentcuky State License to practice Speech Language Pathology today - no more interim license, YAY! Now I just need to get my national ceritfication. I know this is a horrible picture, but I decdided to include it anyway....

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 11: One Week

Mitchell is one week old today! Good thing he decided to come last Friday and not this Friday the 13th. Mitchell's umbilical cord fell off today, which is a far cry from the two months that Maya's stuck around. Both babies took naps at the same time today. Poor Maya is still fighting something with a fever that just won't quit. Hopefully she is better tomorrow so she can start touching her brother and we can get some better sibling pictures!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 10: Birthday Boy

Happy 35th Birthday Arthur and Daddy. Maya was very excited about it being Daddy's birthday, but is very sad that there is no cake or presents for Daddy's birthday. She could have cared less that I didn't get cake and presents to open for my birthday last week. We will be celebrating with ice cream a little bit later...

Mitchell had his one week check up today. He weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz, so he has almost made it back to his birthweight. He is 21.5 inches long - meaning he has grown an inch and a half in 6 days or his bith measurement was wrong. I don't think he grew that much and I always thought he was longer than 19 inches at birth, even the hospital nurses commented on it. The Dr. said everything looks great and has no worries.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 9: Napping

Mitchell is a very sleepy baby, which we are all thankful for right now. I wanted Maya to be in the picture today, but she refused to cooperate. She has a cold right now. It is very hard to explain to her why she can't touch her brother. Hopefully she will be better in a couple days will want to pose for the camera.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 8: Confused

Last night was our first night home from the hospital and it was challenging - but expected. Mitchell has his days and nights confused, clearly indicated by him sleeping soundly in this picture during the day. He was up constantly last night wanting to eat and be comforted. Then he would poop after every feeding making it even more difficult to get sleep. I'm sure things will sort themselves out with time. We are all still doing wonderful and so happy to have our bundle of joy at home.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 7: Coming Home

Today, Mitchell got to come home from the hospital. He got to ride in his carseat for the first time and take a car ride. He was absolutely perfect the whole way home. Let's hope he loves being in the car as much as his big sister did as a baby. Maya was so excited for Mitchell to come home and is showing signs of being a very attentive big sister.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 5: Daddy Cuddles

This is Mitchell's second day of life. We are doing really well. Mitchell eats and sleeps so far. Don't worry, I know it gets harder than this, but we are all loving our cuddle time and snuggles from the new baby boy. Maya is very excited about the new baby and taking her new position as big sister very seriously. She is very anxious to get Mitchell home and see more of him.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 3: Swing

The "swing" has become part of our bedtime routine. She keeps getting stronger and holding on longer.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 2: Tired

We are very tired today! Maya picked a movie to watch so I could rest, but she ended up falling asleep too. This is after I woke her up. She was not happy! Hopefully she will go to sleep tonight.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 1: Birthday Girl

So this is the first official post of my blog. I have no idea if people will have any interest in the things I post on here, but either way it will be fun to look back on this. This section of the blog is called 365 because I plan on posting a picture every day for a year. I have to give credit to other blogs I have been stalking for this idea. There are many blogs out there who do this and I was intrigued by the idea. With this being my first post and also my thirtieth birthday, I decided it would be appropriate to post a picture of myself. Even though I am 38 weeks pregnant, huge, swollen and altogether not happy with my appearance, I decided to take the advice from many people who tell me to take pictures while pregnant or I will regret it. So here I am, huge belly, steroid swelling, and all...