Please forgive me for not actually getting these pictures taken on the 9th. At least they were taken in the right month.
For Maya's last month as a four year old, I decided to make a top ten list. Here are the top ten things I never expected to come out of my 4 year old's mouth:
10. "Daddy, can we watch Tron?"
9. "Ok Jack, I'm going to go over here and put this necklace on so you can draw me in your book."
8. "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit. You get orange."
7. "Mommy, will I have to wear your panties when I grow up?"
6. "How will we get everything to our new house, like our cups? It won't all fit in the trunk."
5. While watching a video from Christmas of her opening gifts at 20 months, she watched Mama hand her a gift and 4 year old Maya said "that's my purple baby doll." Sure enough, she opened it and it was her purple baby doll. No idea how she remembered that.
4. "I didn't get a sticker today. I talked to Logan on my cot and I be'd bad with my friends but I don't remember what I did."
3. "One time my sister's clothes caught on fire. She had to stop, drop, and roll. She totally freaked out!"
2. "Mimi was right Mommy, I am prettier than you!"
1. "Because I'm pregnant, and I'm not comfortable!"