Monday, September 26, 2011

Playing Outside

I know it's been way too long since my last post. I picked up the camera today and couldn't believe I hadn't taken a picture since the 10th. I'm really going to try to get better. The kids and I enjoyed playing outside this evening and I got some great pictures.

Maya loved jumping off this rock. She kept saying "I want to do it over and over again!"

Mitchell loved DRAWING with chalk...
CLAPPING chalk...
and of course, EATING chalk!
We discovered yesterday that no one in the house can have a Capri-Sun without Mitchell completely losing it and demanding his own. Up until yesterday I was proud to say Mitchell hadn't had any juice except for when he was occasionally constipated. That all changed yesterday. For some reason when he saw Maya drinking a Capri-Sun he decided that he just HAD to have one too and started screaming and throwing a fit. He didn't even know what he was missing, but he knew he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. The same thing happened tonight. It was a battle not worth fighting.
He's still scared to take a bath in the tub, but he sure is a cutie in the sink!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Dentist and Movie

Maya had a dentist appointment this morning, so we made it a special Mommy and Maya day. After her appointment, we went to a movie and saw The Smurfs. It was a good time. Before the movie started she told me "I'm so lucky because I get to spend time with my mommy." Such a sweetheart.
We were the only ones in the whole theater. I got up to take a picture of Maya just as it started to get dark. This is her trying to smile but urgently trying to get me to sit back down next to her.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6 on 6

Wow, Mitchell, you are 13 months already. It's been a while since I've done a milestone update, so I figure it's time. First off, you still cry what seems like all the time. It's not really all the time, but when I can't get anything done or walk away from you without you losing it, it sure does feel that way. For some reason, you don't cry if we go to your room. When you are super fussy but it is too early for bed, we go to your room, shut the door, and you crawl around reading books and playing with toys. Maybe you feel more secure in the smaller space.You are discovering door handles which means we better keep our doors locked. It is only a matter of time before you figure out how to open them.
You're still not walking, but you are so close. Sometimes 10 seconds will pass before you realize you were standing without support. Whenever we try to encourage you to stand on your own you either raise your feet refusing to stand, or gracefully sit down when we let go. You have even taken a step here and there without even knowing it. We know you could walk if you tried, you just need the confidence and motivation. Why walk when you move like Spiderman?
Your language and communication is really starting to pick up. You are not always consistent, but you have said the words "mama," "dada," "no," "hi," "bye-bye," "woof-woof," and "more." You know how to sign the words "all done," "more" and "eat."
They love you at daycare. Every day I pick you up they are talking about how you cracked them up all day. They say you are "such a character." They just love your personality. I'm so happy for this because I really worried you would be the baby who cries all the time.
You and Maya actually play together. Maya enjoys playing with you and you just adore every little thing she does. I'm treasuring every moment of this because I don't expect it to last much longer.